Saltaire Arts Trail

As part of Saltaire Arts Trail 2024 I shall be opening the Hodgehutch to the general public on the 4th, 5th and 6th of May, 10am - 5pm. 
I have spent some time sorting through work, putting a few pieces in frames, backing and wrapping loads more in preparation. Almost there on that side of things and I've now started on the studio clean up. So much dust!

Mailing list

Those of you with a keen eye will have noticed that there is now an option to 'Join the List' and subscribe to my mailing list.... If you do subscribe it won't mean that you'll be subjected to loads of inane contact from me, just the (very) occasional newsletter to let you know what's happening in the Hodgson art world. 

Album artwork

It's always good to have drawings picked by bands/singers/DJ's so I'm pleased to share the latest album artwork for ShyLow a band from Richmond, Virginia in the US. After the selected artworks were purchased I shipped them out and they became caught up in the early pandemic nightmare that the American postal system faced. They were lost and untrackable for a few months but the band remained positive and, just as i was about to refund their hard earned $'s, the artwork turned up safe and sound! Patience won out in the end and after a fair amount of time getting the album together it has finally been released.


The Gallery section has now been updated, a Studio Sale page will be added very soon...